Bonds Shake Off Retail Sales Impact to End Stronger

Bonds Shake Off Retail Sales Impact to End Stronger

This morning's Retail Sales data may have been right in line with forecasts at the headline level, but components of the report were much stronger than expected.  As such, the initial sell-off made logical sense, or at least it was able to be explained in hindsight.  The rest of the trading day was consistent with 0.0% retail sales growth as bonds slowly regained all of the ground lost in the morning, ultimately hitting the day's best levels just before the 3pm close.  MBS underperformed 10yr Treasuries but fared roughly the same as the short end of the yield curve (more on that in today's video).

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Bonds Shake Off Retail Sales Impact to End Stronger

MBS & Treasury Markets
UMBS 6.0 100.95 -0.15 10YR 4.176% +0.017% 7/17/2024 8:34AM EST
Retail Sales was/is the biggest data point of the week and it came out perfectly unchanged.  This was as-expected according to some data aggregators and stronger than expected according to others. Perhaps more importantly, some of the closely watched internals were much stronger.  For example, excluding autos and gas, retail sales rose 0.8% versus 0.3% last month and forecasts of 0.1%.  This helps the flat headline look stronger than expected.  It is also ...   READ MORE
Today's Mortgage Rates
30YR Fixed 6.84% +0.03% 15YR Fixed 6.30% +0.00% 7/16/2024
When is a defeat not really a defeat?  Mortgage rates have an idea.  They're fresh off an incredibly rare 8 day winning streak that took the average 30yr fixed rate to the lowest levels in 5 months AND well under the 7% mark for top tier scenarios. Contrast all that gloriousness to today's performance which saw the average inch higher by a mere 0.03%.  On any recent day before last Friday, we'd still be at 5 month lows.  It would be just as fair to say...   READ MORE
Economic Calendar
Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Wednesday, Jul 17
12:00AM Roll Date - UMBS 15YR, Ginnie Mae 15YR
7:00AM Jul/12 MBA 30-yr mortgage rate (%) Jul/12 6.87% 7%
7:00AM Jul/12 MBA Mortgage Applications Jul/12 3.9% -0.2%
7:00AM Jul/12 Mortgage Market Index Jul/12 214.1 206.1
7:00AM Jul/12 MBA Purchase Index Jul/12 140.4 144.3
7:00AM Jul/12 MBA Refi Index Jul/12 613.0 532.3
8:30AM Jun Housing starts number mm (ml) Jun 1.353M 1.30M 1.277M
8:30AM Jun Building permits: number (ml) Jun 1.446M 1.40M 1.399M
8:30AM Jun Build permits: change mm (%) Jun 3.4% -2.8%
8:30AM Jun House starts mm: change (%) Jun 3% -5.5%
9:00AM Fed Barkin Speech
9:15AM Jun Capacity Utilization (%) Jun 78.8% 78.4% 78.2%
9:15AM Jun Industrial Production (%) Jun 0.6% 0.3% 0.7%
9:15AM Jun Manufacturing Production YoY Jun 1.1% -0.3%
9:15AM Jun Industrial Production YoY Jun 1.6% 0.1%
9:15AM Jun Manufacturing Production MoM Jun 0.4% 0.2% 0.6%
9:35AM Fed Waller Speech
10:30AM Jul/12 EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change Jul/12 0.252M 0.356M
10:30AM Jul/12 EIA Gasoline Stocks Change Jul/12 3.328M -1.7M -2.006M
10:30AM Jul/12 EIA Gasoline Production Change Jul/12 -0.751M 0.239M
10:30AM Jul/12 EIA Distillate Stocks Change Jul/12 3.454M -0.5M 4.884M
10:30AM Jul/12 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Jul/12 -4.870M 0.8M -3.444M
10:30AM Jul/12 EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change Jul/12 -0.875M -0.702M
10:30AM Jul/12 EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change Jul/12 0.101M 0.022M
10:30AM Jul/12 EIA Crude Oil Imports Change Jul/12 0.312M 0.615M
10:30AM Jul/12 EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change Jul/12 -0.181M 0.317M
11:30AM 17-Week Bill Auction (%) 5.195%
1:00PM 20-Yr Bond Auction (bl) 13
1:00PM 20-Year Bond Auction 4.452%
2:00PM Fed Beige Book
Thursday, Jul 18
8:30AM Jul/13 Jobless claims 4-wk avg (k) Jul/13 233.5K
8:30AM Jul/13 Jobless Claims (k) Jul/13 230K 222K
8:30AM Jul/06 Continued Claims (ml) Jul/06 1860K 1852K
8:30AM Jul Philly Fed Business Conditions Jul 13.8
8:30AM Jul Philly Fed New Orders Jul -2.2
8:30AM Jul Philly Fed Prices Paid Jul 22.5
8:30AM Jul Philly Fed CAPEX Index Jul 12.1
8:30AM Jul Philly Fed Employment Jul -2.5
8:30AM Jul Philly Fed Business Index Jul 2.9 1.3
10:00AM Jun CB Leading Index MoM (%) Jun -0.3% -0.5%
10:30AM Jul/12 Nat gas-EIA, change bcf Jul/12 55Bcf 65Bcf
11:30AM 8-Week Bill Auction 5.260%
11:30AM 4-Week Bill Auction 5.270%
12:00PM Jul/17 15-Year Mortgage Rate Jul/17 6.17%
12:00PM Jul/17 30-Year Mortgage Rate Jul/17 6.89%
1:00PM 10-Year TIPS Auction 2.184%
1:00PM 10-yr Note Auction (bl) 19
1:45PM Fed Logan Speech
1:45PM Fed Logan Speech
4:00PM May Net Long-Term Flows, excluding swaps (TIC data) (bl) May $98.4B $123.1B
4:00PM May Overall net capital flows (TIC Data) (bl) May $66.2B
4:00PM May Foreign Buying, Bonds (TIC Data) (bl) May $75B
4:30PM Jul/17 Central Bank Balance Sheet Jul/17 $7.22T
6:05PM Fed Daly Speech
7:30PM Fed Bowman Speech
7:45PM Fed Bowman Speech
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There was a lot riding on this week's economic data and it delivered in a big way.  The Consumer Price Index (CPI) has had the biggest influence on interest rates of any of the scheduled monthly economic reports, and for good reason. It is one of the two biggest and most detailed inflation reports on any given month, and it comes out about 2 weeks before the other one. That's incredibly im... READ MORE