Friendly Reversal Thanks to 7yr Treasury Auction

Friendly Reversal Thanks to 7yr Treasury Auction

The day began as so many days over the past few months with bonds moving higher in yield for reasons that transcend the typical economic data or news headlines. The Christmas holiday week is particularly random in terms of directionality due to low volume and liquidity.  That ended up being beneficial today  with a strong 7yr Treasury auction resulting in a favorable imbalance between buyers and sellers.  Light liquidity/volume magnifies the impacts of such imbalances.  The result was one of the biggest reactions to a 7yr Treasury auction in several years.  That's not  a high bar, but was nonetheless worth 4bps in 10yr yields and a move from weaker to stronger territory on the day.

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Friendly Reversal Thanks to 7yr Treasury Auction

MBS & Treasury Markets
UMBS 5.5 98.46 -0.10 10YR 4.626% +0.049% 12/27/2024 5:00PM EST
Bonds are back in the office for a few days, at least in the sense that there are no holiday scheduled changes, and they've wasted no time getting right back to the messaging that's been in force for most of the month. Specifically, the path of least resistance is for longer term rates to move higher at a faster pace than short term rates. Things like the jobs report early in the month or the Fed announcement last week have contributed to this steepening effect (fancy jargon ...   READ MORE
Today's Mortgage Rates
30YR Fixed 7.11% -0.01% 15YR Fixed 6.47% -0.01% 12/27/2024
Mortgage rates are based on trading levels in the bond market and bond market activity has been extremely slow, as is normally the case during the Christmas holiday week.  The side effect of the slow activity is the risk of more random volatility.  In other words, bonds (and thus rates) can move in either direction (or in both directions on the same day) for no apparent reason.   Today was one of those "both directions" days. At the start of the day, bo...   READ MORE
Economic Calendar
Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Thursday, Dec 26
8:30AM Dec/21 Jobless claims 4-wk avg (k) Dec/21 226.5K 225.5K
8:30AM Dec/14 Continued Claims (ml) Dec/14 1910K 1880K 1874K
8:30AM Dec/21 Jobless Claims (k) Dec/21 219K 224K 220K
11:30AM 4-Week Bill Auction 4.260% 4.230%
11:30AM 8-Week Bill Auction 4.265% 4.230%
12:00PM Dec/25 15-Year Mortgage Rate Dec/25 6% 5.92%
12:00PM Dec/25 30-Year Mortgage Rate Dec/25 6.85% 6.72%
1:00PM Nov Money Supply Nov $21.45T $23.31T
1:00PM 17-Week Bill Auction (%) 4.230% 4.220%
1:00PM 7-Year Note Auction 4.532% 4.183%
1:00PM 7-Yr Note Auction (bl) 44
4:30PM Dez/25 Central Bank Balance Sheet Dez/25 $6.88T $6.89T
Friday, Dec 27
8:30AM Nov Retail Inventories Ex Autos MoM Adv Nov 0.6% 0.1%
8:30AM Nov Wholesale inventories mm (%) Nov -0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
8:30AM Nov Goods Trade Balance Adv Nov $-102.86B $-100.7B $-99.08B
10:30AM Dec/20 Nat gas-EIA, change bcf Dec/20 -93Bcf -99Bcf -125Bcf
1:00PM Dec/20 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Dec/20 -4.237M -2M -0.934M
1:00PM Dec/20 EIA Crude Oil Imports Change Dec/20 0.995M -1.131M
1:00PM Dec/20 EIA Distillate Stocks Change Dec/20 -1.694M -0.7M -3.18M
1:00PM Dec/20 EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change Dec/20 -0.32M 0.108M
1:00PM Dec/20 EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change Dec/20 0.178M -0.135M
1:00PM Dec/20 EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change Dec/20 0.205M -0.048M
1:00PM Dec/20 EIA Gasoline Production Change Dec/20 0.051M -0.173M
1:00PM Dec/20 EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change Dec/20 -0.062M -0.304M
1:00PM Dec/20 EIA Gasoline Stocks Change Dec/20 1.63M -1M 2.348M
1:00PM Dec/27 Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count Dec/27 483 483 483
1:00PM Dec/27 Baker Hughes Total Rig Count Dec/27 589 589
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 "If anything on Fed day ends up having an impact on mortgage rates, it would have to be changes in the Fed's rate outlook and/or comments from Fed Chair Powell during the press conference that follows the rate announcement." That's how we closed out last week's newsletter , and there were certainly some changes! The gist was that mortgage rates often correlate very poorly with changes in... READ MORE