Broker Owner
Ingram Company
CA DRE: 01226769
NMLS: 371141 / 358879

Modestly Weaker But Ultimately Uneventful

Modestly Weaker But Ultimately Uneventful

In terms of the realized volatility relative to potential volatility, this week turned out to be about as calm as we could have possibly imagined.  It is truly stunning that we will not be able to look back on daily bond market charts and pick out the most interesting Fed meeting in years.  As for Friday, it was void of data and serendipitously weaker for bonds.  One could argue that it's a simple continuation of "selling the news" after "buying the rumor," but we'd argue motivations don't matter when we're only counting a few bps of weakness in 10yr yields that leave us at levels that are still lower than all but a a week and a half of the past year and a half.

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Modestly Weaker, But Ultimately Uneventful Friday

MBS & Treasury Markets
UMBS 5.0 100.22 -0.15 10YR 3.744% +0.032% 9/20/2024 5:00PM EST
The 4pm NYSE close created some volatility for the bond market today--something that sometimes happens--but MBS were already drifting off their afternoon highs starting at 1pm.   5.0 UMBS coupons are now down about 5 ticks (.16) from those afternoon highs.  As such, if you were planning on locking today and simply waiting to see if there would be a positive reprice, there's now no sense in waiting. Note: prices are still a few ticks higher than they were ...   READ MORE
Today's Mortgage Rates
30YR Fixed 6.15% -0.02% 15YR Fixed 5.59% -0.06% 9/20/2024
Credit where credit is due: the rate market did an outstanding job of getting out in front of the Fed rate cut as well as the changes to the Fed's rate cut outlook as communicated in the summary of economic projections (SEP).   The SEP contains the proverbial "dot plot" that shows each Fed member's base case for where the Fed Funds Rate will be over the next few years.  It has a strong tendency to cause volatility for bonds/rates.  This week, however, it...   READ MORE
Economic Calendar
Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Friday, Sep 20
12:00AM Roll Date - Ginnie Mae 30YR
1:00PM Sep/20 Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count Sep/20 488 485
1:00PM Sep/20 Baker Hughes Total Rig Count Sep/20 588 590
2:00PM Fed Harker Speech
Monday, Sep 23
8:00AM Fed Bostic Speech
8:30AM Aug National Activity Index Aug 0.12 -0.20 -0.34
9:45AM Sep S&P Global Composite PMI Sep 54.4 54.3 54.6
9:45AM Sep S&P Global Services PMI Sep 55.4 55.3 55.7
9:45AM Sep S&P Global Manuf. PMI Sep 47.0 48.5 47.9
10:15AM Fed Goolsbee Speech
11:30AM 52-Week Bill Auction (bl) 76
11:30AM 3-Month Bill Auction 4.540% 4.750%
11:30AM 6-Month Bill Auction 4.270% 4.410%
11:30AM 26-Week Bill Auction (bl) 70
1:00PM Fed Kashkari Speech
Read My Latest Newsletter
This week's newsletter will be intentionally short in hopes of it being easier to share, read, and digest. It will offer several strategies for understanding the paradoxical disconnect between the Fed Funds Rate and mortgage rates.  For those interested in a deeper dive, the past 3 newsletters thoroughly covered it in detail: Why Fed Day Matters Even Though Mortgage Rates Are Already Lowe... READ MORE
Broker Owner
Ingram Company
CA DRE: 01226769
NMLS: 371141 / 358879