Uneventful Day, But That's a Victory These Days

Uneventful Day, But That's a Victory These Days

Last week's bond market action offered some glimmers of hope that the most recent jobs report wouldn't cause ongoing momentum toward higher rates, but yields nonetheless hit their highest levels on Thu/Fri.  Today is a victory in that context as bonds moved back into the lower half of last week's trading range and all without any major market movers in play.  To be fair to the NY Fed Manufacturing index, it was a market mover and it did help set a rate-friendly tone out of the gate.  That said, the move looked more like a yield curve adjustment as opposed to a widespread bond rally (i.e. 30yr yields dropped 9bps while 2yr yields were basically unchanged).   Thursday AM's data is higher consequence. 

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Uneventful Day, But That's a Victory These Days

MBS & Treasury Markets
UMBS 5.0 98.90 +0.10 10YR 4.007% -0.026% 10/16/2024 8:18AM EST
Bonds moved into stronger territory over the 3 day weekend in a move largely attributed to de-escalation in the Middle East and the sharp drop in oil prices that followed. Oil and bonds are far from perfectly correlated, but big moves in the former often get at least some attention from the latter. Gains were modest by the start of trading today but the weaker NY Fed Manufacturing data helped facilitate some additional buying.     READ MORE
Today's Mortgage Rates
30YR Fixed 6.62% -0.02% 15YR Fixed 6.07% -0.03% 10/15/2024
The average mortgage lender is quoting rates that are just a fraction of a hair lower today compared to last Friday.  Lenders were either closed or otherwise not able to update rates yesterday due to the Federal holiday.  Anything other than "higher" is a victory recently.  Rate jumped at the 2nd fastest pace of the year after the jobs report that was released on Friday, October 4th, and continued moving higher through last Wednesday.  They've calmed dow...   READ MORE
Economic Calendar
Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Wednesday, Oct 16
12:00AM Roll Date - UMBS 15YR, Ginnie Mae 15YR
7:00AM Oct/11 MBA 30-yr mortgage rate (%) Oct/11 6.52% 6.36%
7:00AM Oct/11 MBA Mortgage Applications Oct/11 -17% -5.1%
7:00AM Oct/11 MBA Purchase Index Oct/11 138.4 149.2
7:00AM Oct/11 Mortgage Market Index Oct/11 230.2 277.5
7:00AM Oct/11 MBA Refi Index Oct/11 734.6 997.3
8:30AM Sep Export Prices YoY Sep -2.1 -0.7%
8:30AM Sep Import prices mm (%) Sep -0.4% -0.4% -0.3%
8:30AM Sep Export prices mm (%) Sep -0.7% -0.4% -0.7%
8:30AM Sep Import Prices YoY Sep -0.1 0.8%
11:30AM 17-Week Bill Auction (%) 4.430%
2:00PM Sep Federal budget, $ (bl) Sep $61B $-380B
4:30PM Oct/11 API weekly crude stocks (ml) Oct/11 2.3M 10.9M
Thursday, Oct 17
8:30AM Oct/05 Continued Claims (ml) Oct/05 1870K 1861K
8:30AM Oct/12 Jobless Claims (k) Oct/12 258K 258K
8:30AM Oct/12 Jobless claims 4-wk avg (k) Oct/12 231K
8:30AM Oct Philly Fed Business Index Oct 3 1.7
8:30AM Oct Philly Fed Business Conditions Oct 15.8
8:30AM Oct Philly Fed New Orders Oct -1.5
8:30AM Oct Philly Fed Prices Paid Oct 34.00
8:30AM Oct Philly Fed CAPEX Index Oct 25.00
8:30AM Oct Philly Fed Employment Oct 10.7
8:30AM Sep Retail Sales (%) Sep 0.3% 0.1%
8:30AM Sep Retail Sales Ex Gas/Autos MoM Sep 0.2%
8:30AM Sep Retail Sales YoY Sep 2.1%
8:30AM Sep Retail Sales (ex-autos) (%) Sep 0.1% 0.1%
9:15AM Sep Manufacturing Production YoY Sep 0.2%
9:15AM Sep Manufacturing Production MoM Sep -0.1% 0.9%
9:15AM Sep Industrial Production YoY Sep 0%
9:15AM Sep Industrial Production (%) Sep -0.2% 0.8%
9:15AM Sep Capacity Utilization (%) Sep 77.8% 78%
10:00AM Aug Business Inventories (% ) Aug 0.3% 0.4%
10:00AM Oct NAHB housing market indx Oct 43 41
10:00AM Aug Retail Inventories Ex Autos MoM Adv Aug 0.4% 0.5%
10:30AM Oct/11 Nat gas-EIA, change bcf Oct/11 80Bcf 82Bcf
11:00AM Oct/11 EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change Oct/11 0.497M
11:00AM Fed Goolsbee Speech
11:00AM Oct/11 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Oct/11 2.3M 5.810M
11:00AM Oct/11 EIA Crude Oil Imports Change Oct/11 -0.305M
11:00AM Oct/11 EIA Gasoline Stocks Change Oct/11 -1.4M -6.304M
11:00AM Oct/11 EIA Gasoline Production Change Oct/11 0.627M
11:00AM Oct/11 EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change Oct/11 1.247M
11:00AM Oct/11 EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change Oct/11 0.194M
11:00AM Oct/11 EIA Distillate Stocks Change Oct/11 -2.5M -3.124M
11:00AM Oct/11 EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change Oct/11 -0.101M
11:30AM 4-Week Bill Auction 4.750%
11:30AM 8-Week Bill Auction 4.640%
12:00PM Oct/16 15-Year Mortgage Rate Oct/16 5.41%
12:00PM Oct/16 30-Year Mortgage Rate Oct/16 6.32%
4:00PM Aug Overall net capital flows (TIC Data) (bl) Aug $156.5B
4:00PM Aug Foreign Buying, Bonds (TIC Data) (bl) Aug $55.9B
4:00PM Aug Net Long-Term Flows, excluding swaps (TIC data) (bl) Aug $135.4B
4:30PM Oct/16 Central Bank Balance Sheet Oct/16 $7.05T
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It's been frustrating and potentially confusing to see mortgage rates move consistently higher after the Fed's September 18th rate cut, but the Fed has nothing to do with the big rate spike of the past few weeks. The Fed's rate cut wasn't even the reason that rates went higher in the last part of September, but it was a big part of the reason that interest rates moved so much lower in the precedin... READ MORE