Roland Wilcox
Owner / Loan Officer
Sierra Capital Mortgage Co.
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US Economic Calendar

Follow the latest US economic indicators as they're released with this real-time streaming calendar.

Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Monday, Sep 16
8:30 Sep NY Fed Manufacturing Sep 11.5 -3.9 -4.70
12:00 NOPA Crush Report (%)
Tuesday, Sep 17
8:30 Aug Retail Sales (%) Aug 0.1% -0.2% 1%
9:15 Aug Industrial Production (%) Aug 0.8% 0.2% -0.6%
10:00 Jul Business Inventories (% ) Jul 0.4% 0.3% 0.3%
10:00 Sep NAHB housing market indx Sep 41 40 39
10:00 Fed Logan Speech
11:30 42-Day Bill Auction (%) 4.920% 4.980%
13:00 20-Yr Bond Auction (bl) 13
16:30 Sep/13 API weekly crude stocks (ml) Sep/13 1.96M -0.1M -2.79M
20:00 International Monetary Market (IMM) Date (%)
Wednesday, Sep 18
0:00 Roll Date - UMBS 15YR, Ginnie Mae 15YR
7:00 Sep/13 MBA Refi Index Sep/13 941.4 757.8
7:00 Sep/13 MBA Purchase Index Sep/13 146.1 138.6
8:30 Aug Housing starts number mm (ml) Aug 1.356M 1.31M 1.238M
8:30 Aug House starts mm: change (%) Aug 9.6% -6.8%
8:30 Aug Building permits: number (ml) Aug 1.475M 1.41M 1.406M
8:30 Aug Build permits: change mm (%) Aug 4.9% -3.3%
10:30 Sep/13 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Sep/13 -1.63M -0.1M 0.833M
11:30 17-Week Bill Auction (%) 4.660% 4.740%
14:00 Interest Rate Projection - Longer 2.9% 2.8%
14:00 Interest Rate Projection - 3rd Yr 2.9% 2.9%
14:00 Interest Rate Projection - Current 4.4% 5.1%
14:00 Interest Rate Projection - 2nd Yr 2.9% 3.1%
14:00 Interest Rate Projection - 1st Yr 3.4% 4.1%
14:00 FOMC Economic Projections
14:00 Fed Interest Rate Decision 5% 5.25% 5.5%
14:30 Fed Press Conference
14:30 Powell Press Conference
Thursday, Sep 19
8:30 Sep Philly Fed Business Index Sep 1.7 -1 -7.0
8:30 Sep/07 Continued Claims (ml) Sep/07 1829K 1850K 1850K
8:30 Sep/14 Jobless Claims (k) Sep/14 219K 230K 230K
8:30 Sep Philly Fed Prices Paid Sep 34.00 24.00
10:00 Aug CB Leading Index MoM (%) Aug -0.2% -0.3% -0.6%
10:00 Aug Exist. home sales % chg (%) Aug -2.5% 1.3%
10:00 Aug Existing home sales (ml) Aug 3.86M 3.90M 3.95M
Friday, Sep 20
0:00 Roll Date - Ginnie Mae 30YR
14:00 Fed Harker Speech
Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Monday, Sep 23
8:00 Fed Bostic Speech
9:45 Sep S&P Global Composite PMI Sep 54.4 54.3 54.6
9:45 Sep S&P Global Services PMI Sep 55.4 55.3 55.7
9:45 Sep S&P Global Manuf. PMI Sep 47.0 48.5 47.9
10:15 Fed Goolsbee Speech
13:00 Fed Kashkari Speech
Tuesday, Sep 24
9:00 Jul FHFA Home Price Index m/m (%) Jul 0.1% 0.2% -0.1%
9:00 Jul FHFA Home Prices y/y (%) Jul 4.5% 5.1%
9:00 Jul CaseShiller 20 mm nsa (%) Jul 0% 0.6%
9:00 Jul Case Shiller Home Prices-20 y/y (% ) Jul 5.9% 5.8% 6.5%
10:00 Sep CB Consumer Confidence (%) Sep 98.7 103.8 103.3
11:30 42-Day Bill Auction (%) 4.620% 4.920%
13:00 2-Yr Note Auction (bl) 69
16:30 Sep/20 API weekly crude stocks (ml) Sep/20 -4.339M -1.1M 1.96M
Wednesday, Sep 25
7:00 Sep/20 MBA Purchase Index Sep/20 148.2 146.1
7:00 Sep/20 MBA Refi Index Sep/20 1132.9 941.4
7:30 Aug Building permits: number (ml) Aug 1.470M 1.475M 1.406M
7:30 Aug Build permits: change mm (%) Aug 4.6% 4.9% -3.3%
10:00 Aug New Home Sales (ml) Aug 0.716M 0.70M 0.739M
10:00 Aug New Home Sales (%) (%) Aug -4.7% 10.6%
10:30 Sep/20 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Sep/20 -4.471M -1.4M -1.63M
11:30 17-Week Bill Auction (%) 4.430% 4.660%
11:30 2-Year FRN Auction (%) 0.261% 0.235%
13:00 5-Yr Note Auction (bl) 70
Thursday, Sep 26
8:30 Aug Durable goods (%) Aug 0.0% -2.6% 9.9%
8:30 Q2 Core PCE Prices QoQ Final Q2 2.8% 2.8% 3.7%
8:30 Q2 Corporate profits (% ) Q2 3.5% 1.7% -2.7%
8:30 Sep/14 Continued Claims (ml) Sep/14 1834K 1829K
8:30 Q2 GDP (%) Q2 3% 3% 1.4%
8:30 Q2 GDP deflator (%) Q2 2.5% 2.5% 3.1%
8:30 Q2 GDP Final Sales (%) Q2 1.9% 2.2% 1.8%
8:30 Sep/21 Jobless Claims (k) Sep/21 218K 225K 219K
8:30 Aug Core CapEx (%) Aug 0.2% 0% -0.1%
10:00 Aug Pending Home Sales (%) Aug 0.6% 0.3% -5.5%
13:00 Fed Kahkari Speech
13:00 7-Yr Note Auction (bl) 44
Friday, Sep 27
8:30 Aug Core PCE Inflation (y/y) (%) Aug 2.7% 2.6%
8:30 Aug Core PCE (m/m) (%) Aug 0.2% 0.2%
8:30 Aug Wholesale inventories mm (%) Aug 0.2% 0.2%
10:00 Sep Sentiment: 5y Inflation (%) Sep 3.1% 3%
10:00 Sep Sentiment: 1y Inflation (%) Sep 2.7% 2.8%
10:00 Sep Consumer Sentiment (ip) Sep 69.3 67.9
10:00 Sep U Mich conditions Sep 62.9 61.3
Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Monday, Sep 30
9:45 Sep Chicago PMI Sep 46.1
13:00 Fed Chair Powell Speech
13:00 Fed Chair Powell Speech
Tuesday, Oct 01
9:45 Sep S&P Global Manuf. PMI Sep 47 47.9
10:00 Aug USA JOLTS Job Openings Aug 7.673M
10:00 Aug JOLTs Job Quits Aug 3.277M
10:00 Sep ISM Mfg Prices Paid Sep 54.0
10:00 Sep ISM Manufacturing PMI Sep 47.2
10:00 Aug Construction spending (%) Aug -0.3%
11:00 Fed Bostic Speech
11:10 Fed Cook Speech
11:10 Fed Cook Speech
11:10 Fed Bostic Speech
16:30 Sep/27 API weekly crude stocks (ml) Sep/27 -4.339M
18:15 Fed Barkin Speech
18:15 Fed Bostic Speech
18:15 Fed Collins Speech
Wednesday, Oct 02
7:00 Sep/27 MBA Refi Index Sep/27 1132.9
7:00 Sep/27 MBA Purchase Index Sep/27 148.2
8:15 Sep ADP jobs (k) Sep 99K
10:05 Fed Musalem Speech
10:30 Sep/27 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Sep/27 -4.471M
11:00 Fed Bowman Speech
11:30 17-Week Bill Auction (%) 4.430%
11:30 Fed Barkin Speech
Thursday, Oct 03
7:30 Sep Challenger layoffs (k) Sep 75.891K
8:30 Sep/21 Continued Claims (ml) Sep/21
8:30 Sep/28 Jobless Claims (k) Sep/28 218K
9:45 Sep S&P Global Composite PMI Sep 54.4 54.6
9:45 Sep S&P Global Services PMI Sep 55.4 55.7
10:00 Aug Factory orders mm (%) Aug 5%
10:00 Sep Total Vehicle Sales (ml) Sep 15.1M
10:00 Sep ISM Services Prices Sep 57.3
10:00 Sep ISM N-Mfg PMI Sep 51.5
10:00 Sep ISM Biz Activity Sep 53.3
10:00 Sep ISM Services Employment Sep 50.2
10:40 Fed Bostic Speech
Friday, Oct 04
8:30 Sep Average earnings mm (%) Sep 0.4%
8:30 Sep Non Farm Payrolls Sep 142K
8:30 Sep Participation Rate Sep 62.7%
8:30 Sep Unemployment rate mm (%) Sep 4.2%
9:00 Fed Williams Speech

Event Importance:
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Roland Wilcox
Owner / Loan Officer
Sierra Capital Mortgage Co.