Husband and Wife Mortgage Team
Interstate Mortgage Service
NMLS ID: 89235
Company ID: 37053
Home » Economic Calendar

US Economic Calendar

Follow the latest US economic indicators as they're released with this real-time streaming calendar.

Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Monday, Jul 08
10:00 Jun Total Vehicle Sales (ml) Jun 15.3M 15.8M 15.9M
11:00 Jun Consumer Inflation Expectations Jun 3% 3.2%
15:00 May Consumer credit (bl) May $11.35B $10B $6.4B
Tuesday, Jul 09
6:00 Jun NFIB Business Optimism Index Jun 91.5 89.5 90.5
9:15 Fed Barr Speech
10:00 Powell Testimony
13:00 3-Yr Note Auction (bl) 58
13:30 Fed Bowman Speech
16:30 Jul/05 API weekly crude stocks (ml) Jul/05 -1.9M -0.25M -9.163M
Wednesday, Jul 10
7:00 Jul/05 MBA Purchase Index Jul/05 144.3 142.9
7:00 Jul/05 MBA Refi Index Jul/05 532.3 544.1
10:00 May Wholesale inventories mm (%) May 0.6% 0.6% 0.2%
10:00 Fed Chair Powell Testimony
10:30 Jul/05 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Jul/05 -3.444M -3M -12.157M
11:30 17-Week Bill Auction (%) 5.195% 5.205%
13:00 10-yr Note Auction (bl) 39
13:00 10-Year Note Auction 4.276% 4.438%
14:30 Fed Goolsbee Speech
14:30 Fed Bowman Speech
19:30 Fed Cook Speech
Thursday, Jul 11
8:30 Jul/06 Jobless Claims (k) Jul/06 222K 236K 238K
8:30 Jun y/y Headline CPI (%) Jun 3% 3.1% 3.3%
8:30 Jun m/m Headline CPI (%) Jun -0.1% 0.1% 0%
8:30 Jun m/m CORE CPI (%) Jun 0.1% 0.2% 0.2%
8:30 Jun/29 Continued Claims (ml) Jun/29 1852K 1860K 1858K
8:30 Jun y/y CORE CPI (%) Jun 3.3% 3.4% 3.4%
11:15 Fed Bostic Speech
11:30 Fed Bostic Speech
13:00 30-Yr Bond Auction (bl) 22
13:00 30-Year Bond Auction 4.405% 4.403%
13:00 Fed Musalem Speech
14:00 Jun Federal budget, $ (bl) Jun $-66B $-83B $-347B
Friday, Jul 12
0:00 Roll Date - UMBS 30YR
8:30 Jun Producer Prices (%) Jun 0.2% 0.1% -0.2%
8:30 Jun Core Producer Prices MM (%) Jun 0.4% 0.2% 0%
8:30 Jun Core Producer Prices YY (%) Jun 3% 2.5% 2.3%
10:00 Jul Consumer Sentiment (ip) Jul 66.0 68.5 68.2
10:00 Jul U Mich conditions Jul 64.1 66.3 65.9
10:00 Jul Sentiment: 1y Inflation (%) Jul 2.9% 2.9% 3%
10:00 Jul Sentiment: 5y Inflation (%) Jul 2.9% 3% 3%
12:00 WASDE Report (%)
Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Monday, Jul 15
8:30 Jul NY Fed Manufacturing Jul -6.60 -6 -6.00
12:00 NOPA Crush Report (%)
12:30 Fed Chair Powell Speech
12:34 Powell Interview at Economic Club of Washington
16:35 Fed Daly Speech
Tuesday, Jul 16
8:30 Jun Export prices mm (%) Jun -0.5% -0.1% -0.6%
8:30 Jun Retail Sales (%) Jun 0% 0% 0.1%
8:30 Jun Import prices mm (%) Jun 0% 0.2% -0.4%
10:00 May Business Inventories (% ) May 0.5% 0.3% 0.3%
10:00 Jul NAHB housing market indx Jul 42 44 43
11:30 42-Day Bill Auction (%) 5.265% 5.270%
14:45 Fed Kugler Speech
16:30 Jul/12 API weekly crude stocks (ml) Jul/12 -1.9M
Wednesday, Jul 17
0:00 Roll Date - UMBS 15YR, Ginnie Mae 15YR
7:00 Jul/12 MBA Purchase Index Jul/12 144.3
7:00 Jul/12 MBA Refi Index Jul/12 532.3
8:30 Jun Housing starts number mm (ml) Jun 1.31M 1.277M
8:30 Jun Building permits: number (ml) Jun 1.39M 1.399M
8:30 Jun Build permits: change mm (%) Jun -2.8%
8:30 Jun House starts mm: change (%) Jun -5.5%
9:00 Fed Barkin Speech
9:15 Jun Industrial Production (%) Jun 0.3% 0.7%
9:35 Fed Waller Speech
10:30 Jul/12 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Jul/12 -3.444M
11:30 17-Week Bill Auction (%) 5.195%
13:00 20-Yr Bond Auction (bl) 13
14:00 Fed Beige Book
Thursday, Jul 18
8:30 Jul/13 Jobless Claims (k) Jul/13 230K 222K
8:30 Jul/06 Continued Claims (ml) Jul/06 1852K
8:30 Jul Philly Fed Prices Paid Jul 22.5
8:30 Jul Philly Fed Business Index Jul 2.9 1.3
10:00 Jun CB Leading Index MoM (%) Jun -0.3% -0.5%
13:00 10-yr Note Auction (bl) 19
13:45 Fed Logan Speech
13:45 Fed Logan Speech
18:05 Fed Daly Speech
19:30 Fed Bowman Speech
19:45 Fed Bowman Speech
Friday, Jul 19
0:00 Roll Date - Ginnie Mae 30YR
10:40 Fed Williams Speech
12:45 Fed Bostic Speech
13:00 Fed Bostic Speech
Time Event Period Actual Forecast Prior
Monday, Jul 22
No Events for Monday, Jul 22
Tuesday, Jul 23
10:00 Jun Existing home sales (ml) Jun 4.11M
10:00 Jun Exist. home sales % chg (%) Jun -0.7%
16:30 Jul/19 API weekly crude stocks (ml) Jul/19
Wednesday, Jul 24
7:00 Jul/19 MBA Purchase Index Jul/19
7:00 Jul/19 MBA Refi Index Jul/19
8:00 Jun Build permits: change mm (%) Jun -2.8%
8:00 Jun Building permits: number (ml) Jun 1.399M
9:45 Jul S&P Global Manuf. PMI Jul 51.6
9:45 Jul S&P Global Composite PMI Jul 54.8
9:45 Jul S&P Global Services PMI Jul 55.3
10:00 Jun New Home Sales (%) (%) Jun -11.3%
10:00 Jun New Home Sales (ml) Jun 0.619M
10:30 Jul/19 Crude Oil Inventory (ml) Jul/19
11:30 17-Week Bill Auction (%)
11:30 2-Year FRN Auction (%) 0.155%
Thursday, Jul 25
8:30 Jun Durable goods (%) Jun 0.1%
8:30 Q2 GDP deflator (%) Q2 3.1%
8:30 Q2 GDP Final Sales (%) Q2 1.8%
8:30 Jun Wholesale inventories mm (%) Jun 0.6%
8:30 Q2 Core PCE Prices QoQ Final Q2 3.7%
8:30 Q2 GDP (%) Q2
8:30 Jul/13 Continued Claims (ml) Jul/13
8:30 Jul/20 Jobless Claims (k) Jul/20
8:30 Jun Core CapEx (%) Jun
Friday, Jul 26
8:30 Jun Core PCE (m/m) (%) Jun 0.1%
8:30 Jun Core PCE Inflation (y/y) (%) Jun 2.6%
10:00 Jul Sentiment: 5y Inflation (%) Jul 2.9% 3%
10:00 Jul Consumer Sentiment (ip) Jul 66.0 68.2
10:00 Jul U Mich conditions Jul 64.1 65.9
10:00 Jul Sentiment: 1y Inflation (%) Jul 2.9% 3%

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Husband and Wife Mortgage Team
Interstate Mortgage Service
NMLS ID: 89235
Company ID: 37053